110338 Planning / County Executive/Ctywide Admin Svc - 1) Enter into any
and all agreements necessary to purchase approximately 0.93 acres of
real property located at 99 Church Street and 6 Cottage Place, in the City
of White Plains from the current owner(s) of record in an amount not to
exceed $10,000,000 and to subsequently convey the Property to WBP
Development LLC, its successors or assigns, or any entity created to
carry out the purposes of the proposed transaction for ONE ($1.00)
DOLLAR and to grant and/or accept any and all property rights in
connection therewith. 2) Enter into an Inter-Municipal Developer
Agreement (the “IMDA”) with the City of White Plains and the Developer,
to fund the construction of certain infrastructure improvements, with
County administrative costs and other related work in support of the
affordable housing Development to be constructed at 99 Church Street, in
an amount not to exceed $4,420,000 from Capital Project
BPL1A-Housing Implementation Fund II and to grant and accept all
necessary property rights in connection therewith for the purpose of
creating 108 affordable homeownership condominium units that AFFH.
B. Lopez
C. Steers
110340 Planning - Enter into agreements with 28-30 Holdings, LLC and three
contractors for rehabilitation of the property located at 30 Locust Hill
Avenue in Yonkers, New York, pursuant to which the contractors will
make repairs to multiple apartments for the benefit of low income
residents residing at the Property through the Lead Safe Westchester
Program. These agreements will be for a total aggregate amount not to
exceed $138,000. The term of the agreements will commence on 2/14/25
- 2/13/26. The work will include, but not be limited to, repairing
deteriorated areas identified in lead inspections and risk assessments.
B. Lopez
110214 Social Services - Enter into an agreement (DSS2000PD-25) with the
University of Denver, acting by and through its Butler Institute for
Families, Graduate School of Social Work, to provide leadership
development and executive coaching consultant services, in an amount
not-to-exceed $172,382, for the term 3/1/25 - 2/28/26, payable in equal
quarterly installments, with the County having the sole option to extend
the term of the agreement for up to two (2) additional one (1) year periods
on the same terms and conditions.
L. Townes
110173 Health - Pursuant to Section 3(a)(xxi) of the Westchester County
Procurement Policy and Procedures, to exempt from procurement an
agreement with Joseph C. LoCascio, Robert Ponzini and Ilan D. Gilbert.
S. Amler