19. 110316Public Safety - Enter into an agreement with the Student Assistance
Services Corporation (“SAS”), pursuant to which SAS will help to
coordinate the Bureau of Justice Assistance’s STOP School Violence
Program by implementing the Schools Transforming Real Interventions to
Violence Project (aka “Project STRIV”) that will help improve school
safety by providing students, parents and school personnel with tools to
recognize, respond quickly, and prevent acts of violence and to help
ensure a positive school climate, for a one (1) year term commencing
retroactive to 10/1/24 - 9/30/25 and that in consideration for services to
be rendered, the County will pay SAS an amount not-to-exceed
$118,000, in accordance with an approved budget and payment
T. Raynor
Mr. Wishnie moved the Resolution, which was duly seconded and
unanimously approved.
20. 110339DPW/Transportation - Enter into an agreement with the State of New
York Department of Transportation, to accept a grant of approximately
$31,810 for a Capital Project at the Westchester County Airport. The
funds received from the State grant will be credited to the following
projects: A0118 Runway 16/34 Rehabilitation at the Westchester County
Airport - (8A00.32) and that the County will contribute a local share of
approximately $31,810 of this Capital Project, which funding will come
from the Airport Special Revenue Fund.
H. Greechan
Mr. Wishnie moved the Resolution, which was duly seconded and
unanimously approved.
21. 110332DPW/Transportation - Contract No. 20-527 with Clean Air Quality
Service, Inc., for Humidity Control, Microbiology Division, Department of
Laboratories and Research, 10 Dana Road, Valhalla Campus, Valhalla,
New York. Approval of Change Order No. 1 to extend the term of
Contract No. 20-527 through 3/3/25.
H. Greechan
Mr. Wishnie moved the Resolution, which was duly seconded and
unanimously approved.
22. 110335DPW/Transportation - Contract No. 24-515 with Laura Li Industries, LLC
(WBE) for Roadway Milling, Resurfacing and Additional Improvements,
Murray Avenue, CR#74, Town of Mamaroneck; McLean Avenue,
CR#127, City of Yonkers; South Ridge Street, CR#54B, Village of Rye
Brook; and Columbus Avenue, CR#64-II, Town of Mount Pleasant; A
Total Distance of 1.89 Miles, Westchester County, New York. Approval
of Central Industries, Inc. (WBE), Yonkers, NY, as a subcontractor.
H. Greechan
Mr. Wishnie moved the Resolution, which was duly seconded and
unanimously approved.