110094 Information Technology - Amend Agreement No. IT-1780 with The
Spectrum Firm, Inc. for Federal Communications Commission radio
frequency licensing services for multiple transmitter locations in the
Ultra-High Frequency and Very-High-Frequency bands, for a term of four
(4) years, commencing upon execution of the agreement by both parties,
for a total amount not to exceed $20,000, payable at a rate of $180 per
hour ($250 for in depth regulatory consultation services), in order to
increase the amount by $50,000, to a new total not-to-exceed amount of
$70,000, for the provision of additional services commencing on 1/1/25.
109933 County Attorney - Pursuant to Section 3(a)(xxi) of the Westchester
County Procurement Policy and Procedures, to exempt from procurement
an agreement with New York City Bar Association for continuing legal
education services, for the period commencing 1/14/25 - 1/13/26.
110106 County Attorney - Enter into an agreement to retain, at County expense,
the law firm of Bleakley Platt & Schmidt, LLP (the “Firm”), pursuant to
which the Firm will represent the Westchester County Board of Health
(the “BOH”), as needed, in connection with an administrative matter
pending before the BOH named herein as In re Playland Pool (Standard
Amusements), for a term commencing retroactive to 12/5/24 and
continuing until the Administrative Matter is fully resolved.
110117 Planning - Based upon this Board’s review of the EAF and for the
reasons set forth therein, it is determined that there will be no significant
adverse impact on the environment from the proposed action as
described above; and that the Secretary of the Board of Acquisition and
Contract is authorized and directed to sign the Determination of
Significance in the attached EAF, which is made a part hereof, as
responsible officer in Lead Agency, to issue this “Negative Declaration”
on behalf of this Board pursuant to Article 8 of the New York
Environmental Conservation Law and to immediately transmit same to the
Commissioner of Planning to be filed, published and made available
pursuant to the requirements of Part 617 of 6 NYCRR.
110054 Planning - Enter into a loan agreement with 438 Main Development LLC,
its successors and/or assigns, whereby the County will loan an amount
not to exceed $9,200,000 from the Westchester County Housing Flex
Fund Program, to be used towards an affordable housing development
that will affirmatively further fair housing with one-hundred fourteen (114)
units reserved for eligible senior households aged 62 and over with
incomes at or below 65% of AMI, to be located at 438 Main Street in the
City of New Rochelle, commencing upon execution.