110188 Finance - Purchase Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance from
the Federal Insurance Company through the brokerage firm of Marsh &
McLennan Agency LLC, for the policy period of 1/1/25 - 1/1/28.
K. Hablow
110123 Information Technology - Pursuant to Section 3(a)(xxi) of the
Westchester County Procurement Policy and Procedures, to exempt from
procurement an agreement with Motorola, Solutions, Inc.
M. Beirne
110124 Information Technology - Enter into an agreement with Motorola
Solutions, Inc., having a place of business located at 1301 East
Algonquin Road, Schaumburg, Illinois 60196, whereby Motorola will
provide maintenance services for the County’s microwave system, for a
period commencing on 1/1/25 - 12/7/25, for a total not to exceed amount
of $133,048.88, comprised of an all-inclusive flat monthly rate of
$11,833.08 for the months of January through November 2025, and
$2,885, for the period December 1st through and including 7th, 2025.
M. Beirne
110193 Information Technology - 1) Amend an agreement (IT-562 or
‘2004-FBAR-5VQUXD’, as amended) with CGI Technologies and
Solutions Inc., pursuant to which it licenses to the County various
proprietary software systems regarding the ‘CGI Advantage’ software
suite, by, a.) re-instating expired, and adding new, third-party licensed
software, for various license periods, and b.) modifying and extending the
license period for certain existing CGI software and third-party software,
all at no additional licensing cost; 2) Amend an agreement (IT-1562, as
amended) with CGI Technologies and Solutions Inc., pursuant to which it
was to provide the County with professional maintenance services for its
various proprietary software systems regarding the ‘CGI Advantage’
software suite, by, a.) updating the list of third-party software systems to
be maintained, to extend the maintenance period of certain systems, b.)
modifying the payment amounts and terms in order to account for the
additional maintenance services that will be associated with the changes
in the term for the maintained third-party licensed software systems, and
c.) modifying the early termination fees based upon the modified
maintenance amounts; and 3) Amend an agreement (IT-1687) with CGI
Technologies and Solutions Inc., pursuant to which it was to provide
professional services for the implementation of a upgrade of the various
proprietary software systems regarding the ‘CGI Advantage’ software
suite, by, a.) extending its term by twelve (12) months, b.) modifying its
scope of work to add additional services, c.) increasing its not-to-exceed
amount by $1,130,000, in order to pay for the additional services, and d.)
modifying its budget in order to allocate the additional funds.
M. Beirne