11. 109912Information Technology / Public Safety - Amend the 10/10/24
Resolution which authorized the County to amend the agreement
(IT-1724), dated 9/29/22, with Intergraph Corporation, which does
business under the name of its Hexagon Safety, Infrastructure, &
Geospatial division (Hexagon”), to amend the scope of work to add data
conversion services and remove Query Interface to Legacy RMS
Systems, as set forth in Change Order No. 1, and increase the original
not to exceed amount of $4,687,315 by $112,553.62, for a new not to
exceed of $4,799,868.62, in order to also add the reduction in the years
2-5 maintenance costs to the County, in the amount $341,319.25 for an
overall reduction in the original not to exceed by $228,765.63, for new
total not to exceed amount of $4,458,549.37.
M. Beirne
T. Raynor
Mr. Jenkins moved the Resolution, which was duly seconded and
unanimously approved.
12. 109913Information Technology - Based upon the Honorable Board’s review of
the Short Environmental Assessment Form and for the reasons set forth
therein, this Board finds that there will be no significant adverse impact on
the environment from the proposed amendment to license agreement
IT-724, dated September 7, 2005, as amended by the First Amendment,
dated April 6, 2011, the Second Amendment, dated March 25, 2016, and
the Third Amendment dated March 23, 2022, for use of property owned
by the Bedford Central School District (the “School District”) and located
at Fox Lane Road and South Bedford Road in Mount Kisco, New York
(the “Site”) for the placement of County owned radio antennas and
related equipment.
M. Beirne
Mr. Jenkins moved the Resolution, which was duly seconded and
unanimously approved.
13. 109830Planning - Pursuant to Section 3(a)(xxi) of the Westchester County
Procurement Policy and Procedures, to exempt from procurement an
agreement with Hydroenvironmental Solutions, Inc.
B. Lopez
Mr. Jenkins moved the Resolution, which was duly seconded and
unanimously approved.
14. 109831Planning - Amend an agreement with Hydroenvironmental Solutions,
Inc., for the provision of a geological study of the water supply at Hilltop
Hanover Farm and Environmental Center, commencing retroactively on
12/15/23 - 12/14/24, in an amount not to exceed $34,520, in order to
extend the expiration date from 12/14/23 - 12/14/25.
B. Lopez
Mr. Jenkins moved the Resolution, which was duly seconded and
unanimously approved.