County of Westchester  
Board of Acquisition and Contract  
Thursday, October 10, 2024  
11:00 AM County Executive Conference Room  
Michaelian Office Building  
Roll Call  
Acquisition & Contract.  
Minutes of the meeting 10/3/24 and the SEQR Review for agenda items.  
R. Sculky  
109803 Budget - Pursuant to Section 3(a)(xxi) of the Westchester County  
Procurement Policy and Procedures, to exempt from procurement an  
agreement with Permut Consulting LLC.  
109802 Budget - Amend an agreement with Permut Consulting, LLC, pursuant  
to which Permut provides advisory services in connection with the  
County’s capital projects, for the period from 1/1/24 - 12/31/24, by 1)  
increasing the amount payable by the County to Permut by $150,000, to  
a new total aggregate amount payable by the County to Permut not to  
exceed $300,000, payable at a rate of $500 per hour, and 2)  
supplementing the scope of services of the agreement with the revised  
listed Schedule “A-1”.  
109754 County Attorney - Settle the lawsuit of Dawn Gabriel v. County of  
Westchester by payment from the County of Westchester to Dawn  
Gabriel in an amount not to exceed $130,000.  
109809 County Attorney - Enter into an agreement for “Builder’s Risk” Insurance  
from the Chubb Corporation, through the brokerage firm Marsh, LLC to  
insure the Glen Island Bridge Rehabilitation project and that the cost of  
the insurance package for the period 10/21/24 - 3/31/27 shall not exceed  
$450,000; and be it further that the policy bears a total insured blanket  
limit of $83,770,066 with a $250,000 deductible for direct physical loss in  
any one occurrence, except for flood damage which has a $1,000,000  
deductible in any one occurrence.  
109811 Information Technology / Public Safety - Pursuant to Section 3(a)(xxi)  
of the Westchester County Procurement Policy and Procedures, to  
exempt from procurement an agreement with Intergraph Corporation  
which does business under the name of its Hexagon Safety,  
Infrastructure & Geospatial division. (Agreement No. IT-1725)  
109793 Information Technology / Public Safety - Amend Agreement No.  
IT-1725 with Intergraph Corporation, which does business under the  
name of its Hexagon Safety, Infrastructure, & Geospatial division, dated  
9/29/22, pursuant to which Hexagon agreed to provide the County with  
licensing rights and implementation and installation of Hexagon’s HxGN  
OnCall Records Subsystem and provide five (5) years of maintenance  
thereafter, for a total amount not to exceed $4,687,315, in order to (i)  
amend the Work to add data conversion services and remove Query  
Interface to Legacy RMS Systems, as set forth in Change Order No. 1,  
and (ii) increase the not to exceed amount by $112,553.62, for a new  
total not to exceed amount of $4,799.868.62.  
109799 Planning - Enter into an agreement with Crescent Manor Housing  
Development Fund Corporation and Crescent Manor Owner LLC, its  
successors or assigns, in an amount not to exceed $560,000 in federal  
HOME Investment Partnership Program funds, to supplement the cost of  
the construction of eleven (11) affordable rental units that will affirmatively  
further fair housing, to be located at 136 Croton Avenue (Section 89.16  
Block 7 Lot 80.1) in the Village of Ossining, the term of the agreement  
shall commence one (1) business day after the County’s receipt of the  
“Authority to Use Grant Funds” from the U.S. Department of Housing and  
Urban Development and will terminate two (2) years thereafter; and that  
the aforesaid units will remain affordable to households with income at or  
below 60% of the Westchester County Median Income for a period of not  
less than fifty (50) years.  
109787 Community Mental Health - Amend an agreement with PEOPLe:  
Projects to Empower and Organize The Psychiatrically Labeled, Inc.,  
pursuant to which People USA agreed to provide community mental  
health services for a term from 10/1/22 - 9/30/23, for a not to exceed  
amount of $489,230, as amended by a First Amendment thereto pursuant  
to which the County exercised the first of its two options to renew the  
agreement for a term from 10/1/23 - 9/30/24, for a not to exceed of  
$495,956, in order for the County to exercise the second of its two  
options to renew the agreement commencing on 10/1/24 - 9/30/25, for an  
amount not to exceed $495,000, under the same terms and conditions.  
109798 College - Enter into an agreement with New York State, acting by and  
through its Office of Addiction Services and Support to provide  
internships from the Addiction Professional Community and Technical  
Colleges Internship Program in an amount up to $137,700, to provide  
internships to WCC eligible students who are participating in the  
Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselor requirements  
along with their associate degree courses, for the period 8/1/24 - 7/31/26.  
10. 109804 College - Enter into an agreement with the Brewster Central School  
District for the period 9/1/24 - 6/30/25, wherein Westchester Community  
College shall provide advisory services & resources in furtherance of the  
development of the P-Tech program that will prepare District students for  
high-skilled jobs in technology & manufacturing at the previously agreed  
upon fee not to exceed $5,376.  
11. 109823 College / County Executive/Ctywide Admin Svc - Amend the lease  
(“Fifth Amendment”), dated 10/27/20, with REG-UB Properties, LLC, as  
successor in interest to Urstadt Biddle Properties, Inc. (the “Landlord”), for  
the leasing of approximately 12,558 square feet of space located at 22  
Rockledge Avenue, Ossining, New York to be utilized by Westchester  
Community College for educational purposes, in order to extend the term  
of such lease for an additional period of five (5) years, commencing on  
9/1/24 - 8/31/29.  
12. 109824 College - Enter into an agreement with HelioCampus, Inc., for a software  
solution and the provision of professional services necessary to  
implement/support software for a three (3) year term commencing on or  
about 10/1/24, at a total cost not to exceed $166,225.  
13. 109784 District Attorney - 1) Enter into an agreement with the New York State  
Office of Children and Family Services, to accept a grant in an amount  
not to exceed $169,038 in State Funds, for the District Attorney’s Office to  
operate The Multidisciplinary Team (“MDT”) and Child Advocacy Center  
Program, for the purpose of coordinating all investigations pertaining to  
suspected child abuse or maltreatment cases throughout Westchester  
County, for the one-year period 10/1/24 - 9/30/25; 2) enter into an  
agreement with Westchester Jewish Community Services, Inc. (“WJCS”),  
pursuant to which WJCS will provide Mental Health Coordinators (“MHC”)  
who will be available to the child abuse victim and family during the  
interview and examination process and a supervisor who will oversee the  
MHC to ensure that team services are being provided, for a term  
commencing on 10/1/24 - 9/30/25, in an amount not to exceed $19,064,  
and 3) enter into an agreement with Westchester Institute for Human  
Development (“WIHD”), pursuant to which WIHD will provide staff and  
programmatic oversight to the Child Advocacy Center, including the  
services of the Director who will facilitate the monthly MDT case review  
meetings as well as the Program planning committee, for a term  
commencing on 10/1/24 - 9/30/25, in an amount not to exceed $42,034,  
with the County to contribute $49,721 in matching funds toward the cost  
of implementing the Program.  
14. 109794 Public Safety - Enter into an agreement with Putnam/Northern  
Westchester Board of Cooperative Educational Services (“BOCES”)  
pursuant to which the County will utilize certain space at the BOCES  
campus so that the Department of Public Safety can conduct its County  
Police Cadet Program, for the period of 10/2/24 - 6/30/25.  
15. 109714 Parks - Enter into an agreement with Zanzarella Marketing Consultants,  
Ossining, NY, to purchase advertising and promotional materials for the  
Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation (“PRC”) and provide  
consultation on media selection, for a term commencing 1/1/25 - 12/31/26  
and an amount not to exceed $300,000.  
16. 109757 Parks - Extend License Agreement No. PRC-1445 with the Miniature  
Aircraft Association of Westchester, Inc. for the use of a portion of Croton  
Point Park, Croton-on-Hudson, New York so that their members can  
pursue the sport/hobby of flying miniature aircraft, for a term commencing  
on 9/7/24 - 9/6/29, for a total license fee of $4,364.  
17. 109741 DPW/Transportation - Contract No. 20-525 with RLJ Electric  
Corporation, Peekskill, NY, for LED Lighting Upgrade, Mount Kisco  
District Office, 25 Moore Avenue, Mount Kisco, New York. Acceptance of  
completed work and approval of the Final Contract Amount of $366,000.  
18. 109753 DPW/Transportation - Amend a 8/15/24 Resolution, authorizing the  
County of Westchester to consent to the assignment of Agreement No.  
10-914 for engineering services associated with the Relocation of  
Hastings Forcemain, North Yonkers Sewer District, Hastings-on-Hudson,  
New York, from Cameron Engineering & Associates, LLP to IMEG  
Consultants Corp. d/b/a Cameron Engineering, an IMEG company, is  
amended to correctly reference the name of the assignee as IMEG  
Consultants Corp.  
19. 109759 DPW/Transportation - Enter into an Energy Services Program Master  
Cost Recovery Agreement with the New York Power Authority (“NYPA”),  
which provides that upon prior written authorization and after entering into  
a separate Customer Installation Commitments or Customer Project  
Commitments (“CIC/CPCs”) for each project, NYPA shall study, design  
and construct energy efficiency and clean energy projects at various  
County facilities, for which the County has identified the Elevator  
Modernization Project at the Norwood E. Jackson Correctional Center,  
Grasslands Campus, Valhalla, New York, as an energy efficiency project  
and seeks to retain the services of NYPA. The existing equipment is over  
twenty-five years old and beyond its useful life; and now the County is  
hereby authorized to: 1) issue a written Authorization to Proceed for  
NYPA to design, bid and assemble the Initial CIC/CPC Agreement for the  
Project; and 2) subsequently enter into a CIC/CPC agreement with NYPA  
for the Project. Under the terms of the Authorization to Proceed and  
CIC/CPC agreement, NYPA will provide design services and that the  
design services will be completed by NYPA for a total cost not-to-exceed  
$1,528,991, with the completion date of the agreement to be 12/31/28.  
(Agreement No. 24-932)  
20. 109789 DPW/Transportation - Pursuant to Section 3(a)(xxi) of the Westchester  
County Procurement Policy and Procedures, to exempt from procurement  
an agreement with Arcadis, a California Partnership, formerly known as  
IBI Group. (Agreement No. DOTCAP03-23)  
21. 109788 DPW/Transportation - Amend Agreement No. DOTCAP03-23 with  
Arcadis, a California Partnership, formerly known as IBI Group, pursuant  
to which Arcadis was to provide consulting services for the  
implementation of a system-wide operational technology systems  
upgrade for the Department of Public Works and Transportation, for a  
term commencing upon execution and continuing for a period of three (3)  
years thereafter, for an amount not-to-exceed $463,180; by, a.) modifying  
its scope of work by adding services to assist with the preparation of  
specifications and scope-of-work details for, and the procurement and  
implementation of, a new bus farebox system for the Bee-Line Bus  
System, b.) increasing its amount by $116,130, to a new total amount  
not-to-exceed of $579,310, in order to pay for the Additional Services,  
and c.) modifying its budget in order to allocate the additional funds.  
22. 109790 DPW/Transportation - Enter into Grant Agreement No. NY-2024-068-00  
with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for a grant totaling  
$4,575,000 ($1,464,000 (40%) and Local $3,111,000 (80%) to be applied  
to the Capital Cost of Contracting, for the period of 1/1/22 - 12/31/22  
which will cover expenses for the operation of bus service on Bus Route  
77 and for shuttle services to and from train stations and corporate parks  
within the Bee-Line System.  
23. 109797 DPW/Transportation - Contract No. 21-510 for Rehabilitation of Lincoln  
Avenue, C.R. No. 84, From the New Rochelle/Pelham Border Line to First  
Avenue, A Total Distance of Approximately 0.46 Miles, Village of Pelham,  
New York. Award to the Low Bidder, Laura Li Industries, LLC (WBE),  
White Plains, NY, in the amount of $1,052,521. (7 bids)  
24. 109801 DPW/Transportation - Contract No. 24-515 for Roadway Milling,  
Resurfacing and Additional Improvements, Murray Avenue, C.R. #74,  
Town of Mamaroneck; McLean Avenue, C.R. #127, City of Yonkers;  
South Ridge Street, C.R. #54B, Village of Rye Brook; and Columbus  
Avenue, C.R. #64-II, Town of Mount Pleasant, A Total Distance of 1.89  
Miles, Westchester County, New York. Award to the Low Bidder, Laura Li  
Industries, LLC (WBE), White Plains, NY, in the amount of  
$3,595,595.59. (7 bids)