31. 110181 DPW/Transportation - Contract No. 23-510 for Laura Li Industries LLC,
136 Park Lane, West Harrison, New York 10604, for Roadway Milling,
Resurfacing and Additional Improvements, Heathcote Bypass
(CR#143),Village of Scarsdale; Pearl Street (CR#43), Village of Port
Chester; Pelham Shore Road, (CR#65A), Village of Pelham Manor; Lake
Street (CR#32B), City of White Plains; and Virginia Road (CR#35 &
CR#51), Towns of North Castle and Mount Pleasant, a total distance of
1.53 Miles, Westchester County, New York. Acceptance of completed
work and approval of Final Contract Amount of $2,221,322.
H. Greechan
32. 110245 DPW/Transportation - Contract No. 24-504 for Interim and Long-Term
Bio-Solids Handling and Processing, Blind Brook Water Resource
Recovery Facility, Rye, New York. Award to the Low Bidder, Mace
Contracting Corporation (MBE), New Rochelle, NY, in the amount of
$566,350. (2 bids)
H. Greechan
33. 110246 DPW/Transportation - Contract No. 22-522 with Triumph Construction
Corp., Bronx, NY, for Domestic Water System Improvements,
Westchester County Airport, Towns of Harrison and North Castle and
Village of Rye Brook, New York. Approval of Change Order No. 1 in the
amount of $800,000, bringing the total contract amount not to exceed to
$9,477,820, to pay for work required to provide water services to
properties located at 1, 3, 10 and 20 New King Street in White Plains, NY
in order to address the per- and polyflouralkyl substances (“PFAS”) that
have contaminated wells on these properties.
H. Greechan
34. 110247 DPW/Transportation - Contract No. 24-512 for Rehabilitation of Seven
Bridges Road, C.R. 21 From McKesson Hill Road to NYS Route 133, A
Distance of 1.21 Miles, Town of New Castle, New York. Advertise for
H. Greechan
35. 110220 DEF - Enter into an agreement with WSP USA, Inc. (“WSP”) to provide
stormwater sampling and reporting for the County Refuse & Recycling
Facilities, for the term from 1/1/25 - 12/31/27, for an amount not to
exceed $35,000, per year payable at the approved rates. The services
will include annual and quarterly inspections, sampling, and reporting to
the Department as required for compliance with the New York State
Department of Environmental Conservation (“NYSDEC”) permits and as
directed by the Department, the NYSDEC, and applicable regulatory
requirements and WSP shall be paid pursuant to the approved rates not
to exceed $35,000 per year.
V. Kopicki