110187 Emergency Services - Amend a grant agreement with the New York
State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, to accept
federal grant funds in an amount not-to-exceed $1,324,829, for the period
9/1/21 - 8/31/24, in order to address equipment, training and planning
needs to enhance the County’s capability to prevent terrorist attacks,
including combating domestic violence extremism through Active
Shooter/Hostile Event training, and mitigate against man-made and
natural hazards, protect the residents of the County, the County’s critical
infrastructure and key resources, and prepare to respond to and recover
from both man-made and natural disasters, in compliance with the State’s
FY2021 Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) grant program, in order to
extend the period of performance under the Grant Agreement by one
year, until 8/31/25.
R. Wishnie
10. 110114 Social Services - Enter into an agreement (DSS3032A-24) with
Westhab, Inc., to provide permanent housing subsidies and intensive
case management services to approximately thirty-two (32) parenting
young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 and their families (each of
the families will have one or more disabled family members), and to three
(3) chronic homeless single youth, pursuant to HUD’s First Steps
Program, in an amount not to exceed $1,001,466, for the period from
12/1/24 - 11/30/25.
L. Townes
11. 110115 College - Contract No. WCC-24-955 for the Construction Phase of Roof
Replacements, Phase V - Academic Arts, Science, & Library Buildings,
Westchester Community College, Valhalla, New York. Award to the Low
Bidder, Mak Group, LLC, Saddle Brook, NJ, in the amount of $2,375,758.
(7 bids)
D. Madden
12. 110130 College - Contract No. WCC-24-718 for the Construction Phase of the
Science Building Simulation Laboratory Renovation, Westchester
Community College, Valhalla, New York. Award to the Low Bidder, BLH
Construction, Inc., Yonkers, NY, in the amount of $1,134,000. Approval
of Taconic Heating & Cooling Corp., Cortlandt Manor, NY; Tri-Cat Electric
Corp., Cortlandt Manor, NY and Integral Contracting Group, LLC, Bedford
Hills, NY, as subcontractors.
D. Madden