County of Westchester  
Board of Acquisition and Contract  
Thursday, July 18, 2024  
Roll Call  
11:00 AM County Executive Conference Room  
Michaelian Office Building  
Acquisition & Contract.  
Minutes of the meeting 7/11/24 and the SEQR Review for agenda items.  
R. Sculky  
109518 County Executive / Board of Legislators - Enter into an agreement with  
Westchester Community Opportunity Program, Inc., to implement the  
following programs, in the individual not-to-exceed amounts: Program  
Name Contract Amount Career and Training Initiative - Families Step  
Forward $66,159 / Foster Grandparents $6,616 / VFW $66,159 /  
Weatherization $9,079, for an amount not to exceed $148,013, half to be  
paid to WestCOP upon execution of the agreement and the other half on  
or about 10/1/24.  
G. Latimer  
V. Gashi  
109547 Planning - Amend an agreement with the Village of Rye Brook, pursuant  
to which the Village agreed to remove and replace all existing HVAC  
equipment from the Village’s senior center, for a term commencing on  
3/1/24 - 2/28/25, in an amount not-to-exceed $50,000 in Community  
Development Block Grant funding, in order to increase the not-to-exceed  
dollar amount to $124,500, an increase of $74,500.  
B. Lopez  
109509 Social Services - Amend a 1/18/24 Resolution to enter into an  
agreement with each of the sixty-two (62) training providers listed on  
aforementioned resolutions, and on the last page of this resolution,  
pursuant to which each provider would provide vocational training  
services to adult, dislocated workers, and youth pursuant to the  
provisions of Title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of  
2014 (“WIOA”), for the period from 7/1/19 - 6/30/23, for a total aggregate  
amount not-to-exceed $2,898,153, is hereby retroactively further  
amended by increasing the total not-to-exceed amount an additional  
$220,257, to a new amount not-to-exceed $3,118,410.  
L. Townes  
109512 Social Services - Enter into an agreement (DSS3029-24) with BNF  
Consulting, Inc. (“BNF”), for which BNF will provide housing quality  
standards inspections and lead-based paint inspections and risk  
assessments for properties that may participate in the County’s  
‘Emergency Housing Assistance Program’, for the period from 8/1/24 -  
12/31/24, for an amount not-to-exceed $110,625, payable on a unit-cost  
basis, with the County having the option, in its sole discretion, to extend  
the term for up to four (4) additional one (1) year periods, on the same  
terms as the Initial Term, except for the unit costs for the Services, and  
that each Option Term shall have a not-to-exceed amount of $265,500.  
L. Townes  
109530 Social Services - Amend a 5/30/24 Resolution which authorized the  
County of Westchester, acting by and through its Department of Social  
Services, to enter into a Multiple Projects Renewal Grant Agreement with  
the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development  
(“HUD”), in order to accept grant funds in the amount of $8,079,017 under  
HUD’s 2023 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program (the “Grants”), to be used  
to fund eight (8) projects, as set forth in Schedule “A”, listed in the 5/30  
Resolution, be and is hereby amended by clarifying that the Grants will be  
distributed to the County under eight (8) separate grant agreements, as  
indicated in the revised Schedule “A”, rather than a single grant  
agreement, as was authorized under the 5/30 Resolution, and to  
authorize each of the eight (8) separate grant agreements.  
L. Townes  
109533 Social Services - Amend a 3/28/24 Resolution which authorized the  
County of Westchester, acting by and through the Department of Social  
Services, to enter into a grant agreement (DSS6047-24) with the New  
York State Office of Children and Family Services (“OCFS”) to accept  
grant funds in the amount of $40,000, for the term 1/1/24 - 12/31/24,  
pursuant to OCFS’ Safe Harbour: NY program; and enter into the  
following agreements: (i) Children’s Village, Inc. (DSS6047A-24); (ii) The  
Mental Health Association of Westchester County, Inc. (DSS6047B-24);  
(iii) Teens Under Construction, Inc. (DSS6047C-24); and further  
authorized that an amount not to exceed $19,585 would be retained by  
the Department for an additional recreational agreement, administrative  
costs incurred in administering the Grant agreement, staff training, and  
costs associated with hosting Safe Harbour Awareness Day, is hereby  
amended to authorize an additional recreational agreement  
(DSS6047D-24) with Endeavor Therapeutic Horsemanship, Inc., for the  
provision of three equine therapeutic workshops for Safe Harbour youth  
commencing on 7/1/24 - 12/31/24, in an amount not to exceed $3,000.  
L. Townes  
109355 Senior Programs and Services - Amend 6/22/23 Resolution, which  
authorized the County of Westchester, acting by and through its  
Department of Senior Programs and Services, to enter into agreements  
with the agencies listed in the attached Schedule “A”, to expand/provide  
homemaker and housekeeper services, with the option to provide  
consumer directed in-home services to frail, homebound County seniors  
under the Unmet Need (“UNMET NEED”) program, for a period  
commencing retroactive to 4/1/23 - 3/31/24, for a total aggregate amount  
not-to-exceed $515,484.41 for all Contractors providing the Services, is  
hereby amended in order to retroactively increase the amount of UNMET  
NEED state funds authorized thereunder for all Contractors by $7,753, to  
an amount not-to-exceed $523,237.41.  
M. Carpenter  
109541 Consumers Protection - Pursuant to Section 3(a)(xxi) of the  
Westchester County Procurement Policy and Procedures, to exempt from  
procurement an agreement with John Gaccione to serve as a consultant  
to the Office of Weight and Measures - Consumer Protection, for a term  
commending on 7/1/24 - 6/30/25, for an amount not to exceed $35,000.  
J. Maisano  
109559 Health - Enter into an amendment to an agreement with the New York  
State Department of Health to accept funding for the Consumer  
Assistance for the New York State of Health: Navigator Program Grant, in  
order to extend the contract period, from 7/1/24 - 7/31/25, and increase  
the not-to-exceed amount by $465,461.04, for a revised total amount not  
to exceed $2,855,211.04, and to indemnify and hold harmless the New  
York State Department of Health, as described.  
S. Amler  
10. 109561 Health - Enter into contract each with Elizabeth Blackwell, Hipolita  
Cabrera and Jennifer Streit, as Navigators to assist individuals and small  
businesses in applying for health insurance coverage through the  
Consumer Assistance for NY State of Health, New York’s Health Plan  
Marketplace, for the term 8/1/24 - 7/31/25, for a total aggregate  
not-to-exceed amount of $202,378.  
S. Amler  
11. 109542 College - Amend an agreement with Jackson Lewis P.C., for the  
provision of consulting services to Westchester Community College in  
connection with labor negotiations and related matters, for the term  
8/15/22 - 8/14/25, by increasing the amount of the contract by $100,000,  
for a total amount not to exceed $334,000.  
B. Miles  
12. 109543 District Attorney - Enter into a grant agreement - Contract No. C485108  
with the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, to accept a  
grant in an amount not to exceed $404,484 in State funds, for the District  
Attorney’s Office to operate The Gun Involved Violence Elimination  
Program, for the period from 7/1/24 - 6/30/25.  
M. Rocah  
13. 109556 District Attorney - Enter into a grant agreement with the New York State  
Division of Criminal Justice Services to accept a grant in an amount not to  
exceed $2,250,692 in State Funds for the District Attorney’s Office to  
operate the Aid to Prosecution Program, for the period from 4/1/24  
M. Rocah  
14. 109506 Public Safety - Enter into an agreement with the Westchester County  
Health Care Corporation (“WCHCC”), whereby WCHCC would grant the  
County a license to allow the Department to conduct police recruit training  
on WCHCC’s premises located at 100 Woods Road in Valhalla, for a five  
year term commencing upon execution of the agreement by both parties,  
at no cost to the County and the County will be obligated to indemnify,  
defend, and hold WHCC harmless as listed.  
T. Raynor  
15. 109540 Parks - Enter into a “Non-Objection Notice” agreement with the  
Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc., 4 Irving Place, New  
York, New York, pursuant to which Con Edison will not object to the  
County’s use of a portion of Con Edison’s easement area in the City of  
New Rochelle located adjacent to New Rochelle Harbor and commonly  
known as Neptune Park, for the temporary relocation of a parking lot for  
visitors to the park, while the County undertakes a capital project to  
rehabilitate the Glen Island Bridge and the term of the agreement shall be  
coterminous with the duration of the capital project.  
K. O'Connor  
16. 109544 Parks - Amend a license agreement with Pelham Community Rowing  
Association, Inc., in order to authorize Pelham Community Rowing  
Association, Inc., to replace the existing ramp and floating dock with a  
new ramp and floating dock, at no cost to the County.  
K. O'Connor  
17. 109515 DPW/Transportation -Contract No. 24-201 for Janitorial Services at  
District Offices, 25 Moore Avenue and 750 Washington Street, Mount  
Kisco and Peekskill, New York. Award to the Low Bidder, Apple  
Maintenance Services Inc. (MBE), Elmsford, NY, in the amount of  
$205,778.96. (5 bids)  
H. Greechan  
18. 109523 DPW/Transportation / County Executive/Ctywide Admin Svc - Enter  
into a five (5) year License Agreement with Consolidated Edison  
Company of New York, Inc., commencing retroactively on 1/1/22 -  
12/31/26, for six (6) utility crossings along the Putnam Right-of-Way, at  
the listed annual license fee rates.  
H. Greechan  
C. Steers  
19. 109551 DPW/Transportation - Contract No. 22-526 for Rehabilitation of Weaver  
Street Pumping Station, Mamaroneck Valley Sanitary Sewer District,  
Town of Mamaroneck, New York. Advertise for bids.  
H. Greechan  
20. 109571 DPW/Transportation - Contract No. 22-511-Rev., for Parking Garage  
Rehabilitation - Phase II, Michaelian Office Building, 148 Martine Avenue,  
White Plains, New York. Award to the Low Bidder, Mace Contracting  
Corporation (MBE), New Rochelle, NY, in the amount of $34,874,750. (6  
H. Greechan  
21. 109569 DEF - Emergency Contract dated 10/26/23, Agreement No. EF-2407 with  
Northeast Remsco Construction for bypass installation and removal in  
connection with emergency repairs to the Tarrytown Forcemain, Village of  
Tarrytown, Westchester County, New York, for a term commencing on  
7/29/24 - 7/28/25, in a total not-to-exceed amount of $3,510,810.  
V. Kopicki