109666 Social Services / Information Technology - Amend an agreement with
New York State Industries for the Disabled, Inc. (“NYSID”), pursuant to
which NYSID was to provide document scanning and indexing services
for the Department of Social Services, for a term commencing on 9/16/20
- 9/15/23, with the County having the sole option to extend the term by up
to two (2) additional one (1) year periods thereafter, under which
agreement NYSID was to be paid an initial total amount not-to-exceed
$2,242,500 for the Initial Term and an amount not-to-exceed of $812,500
for the first Option Term, and an amount not-to-exceed of $845,000 for
the second Option Term, and also under which agreement NYSID was
authorized to utilize Ability Beyond Disability, Inc. and Digiscribe
International, LLC, as subcontractors, to perform portions of the Services
provided and amend the agreement by, 1.) extending the term thereof by
one (1) year, to a new termination date of 9/15/25; 2.) increasing the
not-to-exceed amount by $845,000, to pay for Services rendered during
the second Option Term; and 3.) reflecting the fact that the County will
not have any remaining options under the Agreement (DSS6063-B-20)
109686 Community Mental Health - Pursuant to Section 3(a)(xxi) of the
Westchester County Procurement Policy and Procedures, to exempt from
procurement an agreement with National Alliance On Mental Illness of
Westchester, Inc.
10. 109688 Community Mental Health - Amend an agreement with National Alliance
On Mental Illness of Westchester, Inc. (“NAMI”), which the County
entered into pursuant to Articles 25 and 41 of the New York State Mental
Hygiene Law, and pursuant to which NAMI was to provide certain
community mental health services, for the period from 1/1/22 - 12/31/26,
for an amount not-to-exceed $260,181; by, a.) modifying its scope of work
in order to add the provision of additional community mental health
services, for the period from 1/1/24 - 12/31/26; b.) increasing the
not-to-exceed amount by $600,824, from an amount not-to-exceed
$260,181, to a new amount not-to-exceed $861,005, in order to pay for
the additional services; and c.) modifying its budget in order to allocate
the additional funds that will be used to pay for the Additional Services.
11. 109703 Health - Amend an agreement with the New York State Department of
Health to accept funding for the WCDH to provide Tuberculosis (“TB”)
health services specifically for the asylum seeker population, for the
period commencing retroactive on 4/1/23 - 3/31/24, for an amount not to
exceed $500,000, in order to extend the term through 12/31/24 for the
same not-to-exceed amount.
12. 109699 College - Enter into an agreement with Swaillandis, Inc., for an Evaluator
to Provide Technical Assistance, Support and Guidance to WCC, as it
executes a Title V Grant for a four (4) year term commencing on or about
9/1/24, at a total cost not to exceed $164,000.