County of Westchester  
Board of Acquisition and Contract  
Meeting Minutes  
Thursday, October 3, 2024  
Roll Call  
11:00 AM County Executive Conference Room  
Michaelian Office Building  
Mr. Kenneth W. Jenkins, Mr. Lawrence C. Soule, and Mr.  
Vedat Gashi  
First Deputy Commissioner of Finance  
Associate County Attorney  
Board of Legislators  
Board of Legislators  
Board of Legislators  
Cesar Vargas  
Rachel Noe  
Greg Casciato  
Santiago Caceres  
Dylan Tragni  
Secretary BAC  
Joan Cocciardi  
Mr. Jenkins presided.  
Mr. Jenkins said, “The Board of Acquisition and Contract permits in-person access to  
the meeting and virtually through Webex.  
For the record, has the Secretary gone to the reception area to invite any members of  
the public who wish to attend today’s meeting in person to come to this conference  
Ms. Cocciardi said, “Yes I have.”  
Mr. Jenkins said, “I understand that the Budget Director wishes to speak.”  
Mr. Soule said, “The Members of the Board of Acquisition and Contract received a  
memorandum from the Commissioner of Parks Recreation and Conservation for a  
declaration of emergency concerning a boiler replacement at the Westchester County  
The Westchester County Center currently has three Aerco boilers for heat and hot  
water. The facility can get by using only 1 or 2 of the boilers during the Spring, Summer  
and Fall. In the winter however, all 3 boilers must be operational in order to heat the  
building and provide hot water.  
On September 13, 2024, pursuant to an inspection conducted by Johnson Controls, Inc.  
as required by the County’s ongoing maintenance contract number DPW22203, an  
inspection on one of the three boilers at the Westchester County Center revealed that a  
leak exists in the heat exchanger of the inspected boiler. The damaged heat exchanger  
requires replacement prior to the winter months, but due to a parts backlog we have  
been advised that obtaining the necessary replacement parts will take roughly 14  
weeks. A delay until mid-January would mean that the County would not be able to  
properly heat the building or provide hot water. Another option is to replace the entire  
boiler which we are advised by the County’s contractor is the best solution as this  
equipment does not have the same backlog and is readily available. Replacing the  
entire boiler means that this repair will be completed well before the cold weather  
arrives avoiding any service disruption at the County Center facility.  
In order to avoid disruption or cancellation of events and maintain normal operations of  
the Westchester County Center, the Department of Parks, Recreation & Conservation  
has declared an emergency situation. As an emergency, this situation cannot await  
competitive bidding. Parks has selected Johnson Controls, Inc. to perform Emergency  
HVAC Service, County Center, White Plains, New York. The emergency work includes  
the replacement of one (1) Aerco BMK 2000 Benchmark boiler, including all labor and  
materials to remove the current boiler and install the replacement boiler. Johnson  
Controls will remove and reinstall duct work for a rigger to move boiler and will  
disconnect and reconnect all gas and water piping along with breeching and provide  
startup by a factory service representative. A separate resolution will be submitted to  
your Honorable Board seeking authority to enter into the agreement with Johnson  
Mr. Jenkins said, “I direct the Secretary to the Board of Acquisition & Contract to  
include the memo from the Commissioner of Parks as part of the minutes of today’s  
Mr. Jenkins asked, "Are there any other matters to be discussed?"  
Mr. Gashi said, "A Happy and Sweet New Year to our Jewish Friends."  
Mr. Jenkins said, "L'Shana Tova."  
Acquisition & Contract.  
Minutes of the meeting 9/27/24 and the SEQR Review for agenda items.  
R. Sculky  
Mr. Jenkins moved to receive and file the foregoing minutes and SEQR review,  
which were duly seconded and approved.  
109786County Executive - Amend a “short form” agreement with Moving  
Pictures, LLC, for the provision of providing audio and technical services  
for virtual and live special events in 2024 for the County Executive’s  
Office, a term commencing retroactively on 1/1/24 - 12/31/24, for an  
amount not to exceed $30,000, in order to increase the not-to-exceed  
amount by $10,000, for a new not-to-exceed amount of $40,000 and to  
modify Schedule “A” to include the fourth event that Moving Pictures  
provided services to the County.  
G. Latimer  
Mr. Jenkins moved the Resolution, which was duly seconded and  
unanimously approved.  
109791Finance - Enter into an agreement with Segal Advisors, Inc. d/b/a Segal  
Marco Advisors for consulting services in connection with an evaluation of  
the Westchester County Deferred Compensation Plan’s current contracts  
and investment menu, the preparation of Request for Proposals to be  
issued by the County of Westchester for the selection of an administrative  
agency and financial organization for the Westchester County Deferred  
Compensation Plan, and if necessary, the provision of transition services  
in the event the County switches to a new provider, for a term  
commencing 10/1/24 - 3/31/26, in an amount not to exceed $62,000.  
K. Hablow  
Mr. Jenkins moved the Resolution, which was duly seconded and  
unanimously approved.  
109782Planning - Enter into an agreement with Apropos Housing Opportunities  
and Management Enterprise, Inc. D/B/A A-Home Inc. and Capurro  
Contracting Inc., for the rehabilitation of the property located at 37  
Wildwood Road, Katonah in the Town of Bedford, New York, with the  
County to pay the Contractor, the total not to exceed an amount of  
$168,000 in Landlord Tenant Assistance Program fund, and that as a  
condition to receiving funds, the Property Owner will maintain affordable  
rents for 10 years.  
B. Lopez  
Mr. Jenkins moved the Resolution, which was duly seconded and  
unanimously approved.  
109769Social Services - Enter into five (5) separate agreements with (i)  
Westhab, Inc. (DSS3037A-24), (ii) Family Service Society of Yonkers  
(DSS3037B-24), (iii) Lifting Up Westchester, Inc. (DSS3037C-24), (iv)  
The Guidance Center of Westchester, Inc. (DSS3037D-24), and (v)  
Caring for the Homeless of Peekskill Inc. (DSS3037E-24), to utilize a  
portion of the Grant funds in the amount not to exceed $3,592,118, in  
order to provide a total of 122 units of scattered-site permanent housing  
units and mobile support services to 111 chronically homeless individuals  
and 11 chronically homeless families, for the Department’s Turning Point  
Program, for the period from 8/1/24 - 7/31/25.  
L. Townes  
Mr. Jenkins moved the Resolution, which was duly seconded and  
unanimously approved.  
109771Social Services -Enter into agreements with the five listed shelters to  
provide the Coordinated Entry shelter services to homeless individuals in  
their respective shelter facilities under the County’s Coordinated Entry  
Program, for the period from 3/1/24 - 2/28/25, and a total aggregate  
amount not to exceed $362,741 and the individual amounts specified to  
be paid with federal funds received by the Department pursuant to Grant  
Agreement - No. NY1050L2T042308 - DSS Contract No. DSS3038-24  
with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development  
(“HUD”) under HUD’s Continuum of Care program.  
L. Townes  
Mr. Jenkins moved the Resolution, which was duly seconded and  
unanimously approved.  
109774Social Services - Pursuant to Section 3(a)(xxi) of the Westchester  
County Procurement Policy and Procedures, to exempt from procurement  
an agreement with Katherine Marie Bailey, LCSW.  
L. Townes  
Mr. Jenkins moved the Resolution, which was duly seconded and  
unanimously approved.  
109775Social Services - Enter into an agreement (DSS2000FDC-24) with  
Katherine Marie Bailey, LCSW, to provide various consulting and  
employee wellness services for the Department of Social Services, for the  
term of 10/1/24 - 12/31/25, in an amount not to exceed $68,750.  
L. Townes  
Mr. Jenkins moved the Resolution, which was duly seconded and  
unanimously approved.  
109777DPW/Transportation - Contract No. WCA 24005 for Emergency Spill  
Response Service, Westchester County Airport, Towns of Harrison and  
North Castle and Village of Rye Brook, New York. Advertise for bids.  
H. Greechan  
Mr. Jenkins moved the Resolution, which was duly seconded and  
unanimously approved.  
109761DPW/Transportation - Contract No. 24-519 for Main House  
Renovations, Hilltop Hanover Farm and Environmental Center, 1271  
Hanover Street, Yorktown, New York. Advertise for bids.  
H. Greechan  
Mr. Jenkins moved the Resolution, which was duly seconded and  
unanimously approved.  
10. 109772DPW/Transportation - Contract No. 19-530 with PCI Industries Corp., for  
Rehabilitation of Two Bronx River Parkway Bridges (North and South of  
Leewood Drive) Over the Bronx River (BINs 3348829 & 3348839), Town  
of Eastchester and City of Yonkers, New York. Approval of Construction  
Corp. (WBE), Blue Point, NY and Durham Fence Company Inc.,  
Middlefield, CT, as subcontractors.  
H. Greechan  
Mr. Jenkins moved the Resolution, which was duly seconded and  
unanimously approved.  
11. 109724DEF - Contract No. EF-2301 with ELQ Industries, Inc., New Rochelle,  
N.Y. for the Emergency Repair of Leaks for Westchester County Sewer  
and Water Districts, at various locations, Westchester County, New York,  
in order to cover the cost of two large unanticipated emergency repairs.  
Approval of Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $750,000.  
V. Kopicki  
Mr. Jenkins moved the Resolution, which was duly seconded and  
unanimously approved.  
There being no further business, the Chair declared the meeting adjourned. All  
approved resolutions are on file electronically with the Board of Acquisition and  
I have reviewed the foregoing minutes and have found them to be correct as written.  
Signed: Joan Cocciardi, Secretary  
Dated: 10/03/2024