109618 Information Technology / DPW/Transportation - Amend a 5/28/20
Resolution authorizing the County of Westchester to enter into a lease
agreement with American Tower Management, LLC (“ATC”), to lease a
portion of real property leased by ATC located at 7 Morning View Court,
Mount Pleasant, NY (the “Hardscrabble Road Site”) for the purpose of
installing, maintaining, and operating certain radio communication
antennas and equipment on the ATC tower facility, for a term
commencing on the earlier date of (i) ATC’s issuance of the Notice to
Proceed or (ii) 6/15/20 (“Commencement Date”), and continuing through
12/31/29, subject to four (4) additional five (5) year renewal terms, which
shall commence automatically, and is amended in order to authorize the
payment of the County’s pro rata share of CAM charges and property
taxes, and modifying the contract by increasing the amount by
$142,468.84, in accordance with the terms and conditions.
M. Beirne
H. Greechan
109548 County Attorney - Compromise the County of Westchester’s right to be
reimbursed for health care and wage benefits paid or owing to or on
behalf of a County employee, identified as “E.J.”, from a settlement of her
legal claim against several third parties; and that the County’s
reimbursement is $62,747.44, representing a 34.29% reduction of its lien,
with full reservation of the County’s right to set off E.J.’s net recovery
against any future compensation in accordance with the provisions of
New York State Workers’ Compensation Law.
J. Nonna
109639 Planning - Amend an agreement with Human Development Services of
Westchester Inc., to provide homeless and eviction prevention services to
very low income households residing within the Westchester Urban
County Consortium and/or in municipalities that do not receive their own
ESG funds, in order to change the expiration date from 7/31/24 to
B. Lopez
10. 109608 Emergency Services - Amend a grant agreement with the New York
State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, to accept
federal grant funds in an amount not-to-exceed $683,944, for the period
9/1/21 - 8/31/24, to assist the County in its efforts related to emergency
planning activities in order to prevent and address terrorist attacks and
mitigate against man-made and natural hazards, protect the residents of
the County, the County’s critical infrastructure and key resources, and
prepare to respond to and recover from both man-made and natural
disasters, amongst other things, in order to extend the period of
performance by one year, until 8/31/25.
R. Wishnie