109587Information Technology - Amend a 4/18/24 Resolution which authorized
the County of Westchester to exempt from the Westchester County
Procurement Policy pursuant to Section 3(a)(xxi) thereof, the
procurement of an amendment to an agreement with Granicus, LLC for
the provision of various software modules as a Software-as-a-Service
solution, by expanding the scope of services to enable the County to
simulcast to YouTube and Facebook, for a not-to-exceed amount of
$354,396.28, in order to change the not-to-exceed amount from
$354,396.28, to $366,165.06 (Contract IT-1788).
M. Beirne
Mr. Jenkins moved the Resolution, which was duly seconded and
unanimously approved.
109588Information Technology - Amend a 4/18/24 Resolution which authorized
the County of Westchester to amend an agreement with Granicus, LLC
for the provision of various software modules as a Software-as-a-Service
solution to automate and manage business processes, for a three-year
term commencing on 8/31/23, for a total amount not-to-exceed
$325,199.23, by expanding the scope of services to include an upgrade
to Granicus’s encoder which will allow the County to simulcast to
YouTube and Facebook and increase the not-to-exceed amount by an
additional $29,197.05, in order to change the amount of the increase from
$29,197.05 to $40,965.83, for a new total amount of $366,165.06.
(Contract IT-1788)
M. Beirne
Mr. Jenkins moved the Resolution, which was duly seconded and
unanimously approved.
109618Information Technology / DPW/Transportation - Amend a 5/28/20
Resolution authorizing the County of Westchester to enter into a lease
agreement with American Tower Management, LLC (“ATC”), to lease a
portion of real property leased by ATC located at 7 Morning View Court,
Mount Pleasant, NY (the “Hardscrabble Road Site”) for the purpose of
installing, maintaining, and operating certain radio communication
antennas and equipment on the ATC tower facility, for a term
commencing on the earlier date of (i) ATC’s issuance of the Notice to
Proceed or (ii) 6/15/20 (“Commencement Date”), and continuing through
12/31/29, subject to four (4) additional five (5) year renewal terms, which
shall commence automatically, and is amended in order to authorize the
payment of the County’s pro rata share of CAM charges and property
taxes, and modifying the contract by increasing the amount by
$142,468.84, in accordance with the terms and conditions.
M. Beirne
H. Greechan
Mr. Jenkins moved the Resolution, which was duly seconded and
unanimously approved.