Social Services - 1) Enter into a subaward agreement, (DSS3035A-24) with Caring for the Homeless Of Peekskill Inc. ("CHOP"), pursuant to which CHOP will be subawarded $607,635 from the funds that would be made available to the County under the Grant Agreement, for the period from 8/1/24 - 7/31/25, and under which agreement CHOP would be responsible for providing two (2) transitional housing units and a minimum of sixteen (16) rapid re-housing units, and related supportive services, for victims of domestic violence; and 2) an agreement (DSS3035B-24) with My Sisters' Place, Inc. ("MSP"), pursuant to which MSP will provide the services of a domestic violence counselor, for an amount not to exceed $56,690, for the period from 8/1/24 - 7/31/25, under the listed terms and conditions.