Information Technology / Public Safety - Amend an agreement (IT-1686) with Intergraph Corporation, d/b/a Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure, pursuant to which Intergraph agreed to provide the County with services regarding the installation, implementation and project management of a new web-based OnCall Dispatch System, which includes essential integration services related to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) functionality within the system, for a term of two (2) years, commencing upon the date the agreement is executed by both parties, for a total aggregate amount not-to-exceed $1,013,330.34, in order to (i) add additional services to refresh the OnCall Dispatch System database and update the System archive database, as detailed in Schedule "A" listed in the Resolution; (ii) increase the amount of the agreement by $38,810.50, to a new total amount not-to-exceed $1,052,140.84; (iii) extend the term by eighteen (18) months, to commence retroactively on 3/14/24 - 9/13/25.