| 1. | Resolution | Planning - Enter into an amendment to a Declaration of Restrictive Covenants executed by the County on December 28, 2016, and recorded in the Office of the Westchester County Clerk, in order to 1) replace Migi Asset Acquisition, LLC as the developer of fourteen (14) affordable residential rental units that will affirmatively further fair housing (the “Affordable AFFH Units”), with Lifting Up Westchester, Inc., its successors and/or assigns or any entity created for the purpose of the transaction (“LUW”), as the new developer; and 2) to amend the affordability requirements so that ten (10) of the Affordable AFFH Units will be available to households that are homeless and have an income at or below fifty (50%) percent of AMI, with priority given to those who are employed full time, with the marketing of these units conducted through the County Continuum of Care program and the remaining four (4) units will be available to households with incomes at or below sixty (60%) percent of AMI and marketed through the County’s approved marketing plan, and to amend the construction completion dat | approved | Fail |
Action details
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